Welcome to the first day of the rest of your life!
Checking your memory power is easy. Here is a quick overview of the steps:
- You should be able to complete the assessment in less than fifteen minutes. You only need to take the assessment once to determine your score.
- We recommend that before you begin this assessment that you make sure you are in a quiet environment with no distractions. You may use headphones to help avoid distractions.
- Children under 10 years of age may need assistance to complete the assessment.
- If you require assistance taking the assessment, please find someone before you begin.
- You will be asked to fill out some quick demographic information for the study.
- All demographic information is kept anonymous to ensure privacy and is used for scientific purposes only.
- When finished with the assessment, please visit other areas of this site for more information about The Simply Smarter Project.
- Although the assessment is free, we encourage donations to help us continue with our goal of raising the brain function of everyone on the planet.
This test is now closed. Stay tuned for our new test, coming soon!
Thank you for your participation in NACD's The Simply Smarter Project.