Improve Your Processing Skills: Processing Activities
Auditory Direction Sequences (for younger child or nonverbal child) - IVideo Instructions
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Auditory Direction Sequences (for younger child or nonverbal child) - Instructions
This activity improves auditory sequential processing.
For this activity you will give the child a sequence of verbal directions without any visual cues. Use only directions that you are sure the child knows and can physically perform. The directions should be random, i.e., unrelated to each other or to any context and different each time.
The child has to follow the directions in the order that it is given, and he needs to listen to the entire sequence before starting to respond. If your child has an auditory sequential processing ability of one, you will usually start by giving sequences of 2 directions. If after giving the sequence the child does not perform the sequence in the correct order or does not perform all directions given, then say the sequence again and help him complete the entire sequence hand-over-hand. Give positive praise and reinforcement after each sequence the child performs, even if you have assisted him through the sequence.
Example: Parent says: "clap hands, blow kiss." Child responds by clapping hands and blowing a kiss. The parent then responds with lots of positive praise and reinforcement for the correct response.
Example: Parent says: "stand up, jump, and turn off the light." Child responds by standing up and turning off the light. The parent then responds by repeating the sequence and hand-over-hand helping the child through the sequence. This is followed by positive praise and reinforcement for the child going through the sequence correctly.
With this activity, intensity is vital. You need to do whatever is necessary to get the child's intensity level as high as possible. Doing something frequently tends to decrease intensity, so you will probably need to offer an outside reinforcer. For most children you will need to look for strong outside reinforcers. It is important to remember that improving sequential processing is going to impact virtually every aspect of life, so think big. If on a scale of 1 to 10 the child's intensity level falls below a 5, then he would be better off taking a nap; but if you can get the intensity level at about a 6 or a 7, you are going to see real progress.
One final note: under normal circumstances, sequential processing skills will develop at the rate of a digit span per year, up until 7 digits are achieved. After 7 digits specific intervention is often needed. So on one hand be patient; digits do not jump overnight. But on the other hand, sequential processing skills will improve much faster if the intensity is high.